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NAD stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a coenzyme found in all living cells essential for cell viability and function. 

Aging brings about a lot of unwanted bodily changes. Aging first happens inside the human cells, and little by little, its effects become visible, affecting not just one’s appearance but one’s vitality as well.

Aside from cognitive decline, aging is most dreaded for its effect on appearance. Many people get alarmed even at the earliest sign of a wrinkle. Because of this, many treatments have emerged just to prevent or delay the aging process.

The Injection and Infusion Clinic of ABQ offers various treatments formulated to work against the aging process. One of the most effective treatments addresses the problem at the cellular level through NAD IV therapy.

What is NAD+ therapy, and why does it work? Let us learn the basics and the benefits of having this revolutionary infusion.

Formed from tryptophan and Vitamin B3,  absorbed from the diet, NAD  converts into the metabolically active coenzyme NAD+.

NAD helps cells in the body produce energy. It converts the energy we get from food into cellular energy our system can readily use. 

Scientists link NAD to various therapeutic applications.  Anti-aging and chronic conditions related to the human brain widely use NAD.

A large amount of usable NAD energy in the body equates to a high quality of life and functioning. NAD  helps produce adenosine triphosphate or ATP, the universal energy currency of the cell.

NAD+ acts as a helper molecule in the human body. It binds to other enzymes in the body, and the process activates them and makes them perform molecular reactions efficiently.


How was NAD discovered?

 Studies on pellagra, a disease caused by a lack of niacin or Vitamin B3, brought the importance of NAD into the spotlight. 

Pellagra, characterized by symptoms including skin inflammation, results in dark pigmentation, dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, and mouth sores.

Pellagra can either be primary or secondary. Primary pellagra happens when the diet does not contain sufficient amounts of niacin and tryptophan, the precursors for NAD. 

Secondary pellagra happens when the body is unable to use or metabolize niacin provided through the diet. This inability is usually due to chronic alcoholism, chronic diarrhea, carcinoid syndrome, Hartnup disease, or can be due to a long-term intake of medications such as isoniazid. In general, pellagra can later result in death if untreated.

Pellagra was common in rural European areas and even became an epidemic in the southern part of the United States.  Dr. Joseph Goldberger of the US government’s hygienic laboratory later discovered pellagra was cured and prevented upon substituting corn-based diets with milk, eggs, and meat.

It was not long before an American biochemist named Conrad Elvehjem described nicotinic acid and nicotinamide as substances that cure and prevent pellagra. Consequently, these substances are precursors for NAD, an essential element for all cells.

Pellagra remains endemic in underdeveloped countries. In developed countries,  scientists mainly associate pellagra with tuberculosis, malabsorption, alcoholism, and eating disorders, which are also indications for NAD therapy.

NAD+ was already discovered more than a hundred years ago as a cofactor in fermentation and a nucleoside sugar-phosphate. But it was only in 1935 when a third Nobel laureate, Otto Warburg, discovered its critical roles in biochemical reactions.


What are the roles of NAD in metabolism?

Understanding NAD metabolism involves a brief review of our basic biochemistry. 

Oxidative phosphorylation is a process occurring inside the human body’s cells responsible for producing adenosine triphosphate, the primary energy currency of the cell. It accounts for 90% of the body’s energy and uses two biochemical cycles to achieve this goal: (1) the citric acid cycle and the (2) electron transfer chain.

These cycles cannot proceed without the availability of NAD.

Because of its immense role in cells, NAD is essential to achieve harmonious bodily functions. NAD and its metabolites function as critical regulators to maintain physiologic processes. 

On a larger scale, NAD+ is known to:

  • Participate in the motor and sensory function of the brain and nervous system;

  • Aid in gluconeogenesis and fatty acid oxidation processes in the liver;

  • Participate in the endothelial function inside blood vessels;

  • Exhibit cardioprotection for the heart;

  • Aid in the immunity and anti-inflammatory functions of lymphoid tissues;

  • Aid in the process of fertility;

  • Provide renoprotection for the kidneys;

  • Aid in the insulin secretion process of the pancreas;

  • Assist in insulin sensitivity and fatty acid oxidation; and

  • Aid in lipogenesis of adipose tissue.

In general, NAD and its metabolites help the cells adapt to environmental changes, including nutrient imbalance, factors likely to damage DNA, infection, and inflammation. It also allows the body to adjust to drastic changes in the body’s sleep-wake cycle and other foreign substances potentially harmful to the body. 


Why is NAD+ supplementation necessary?

Now that we know the roles of NAD+ in the body, we are now ready to tackle why we should book that appointment with The Infusion and Injection Clinic of ABQ for our NAD IV Therapy session.

The reason for most chronic ailments in the body is an energy-deficient environment. The sad reality is as we age, our natural NAD levels decrease as well. 

 With less than 20 mg of niacin, you can meet the daily requirements for NAD+ biosynthesis. However, NAD bioavailability in the body might still be affected by food processing or cooking of dietary sources despite oral consumption of a NAD-rich diet. 

Aside from the fact that NAD levels readily decrease with age, there are also many possible causes for low NAD levels in the body. This decrease includes the following:

  • Genetics (surprisingly, 10% of our genetic pool is generally NAD+ deficient)

  • Malnutrition 

  • Chemical substances (e.g., valproic acid, tumor-therapeutic drugs)

  • Mitochondrial disorders

  • Liver diseases

  • Malfunctioning adrenal glands

  • Thyroid problems (e.g., overactive thyroid glands)


What is NAD+ IV Therapy?

There are many ways to help the body produce NAD. It can be nasal sprays, oral supplements, or intravenous (IV) therapy.

Intravenous infusions. or intravenous therapy is one of the best options for vitamins and supplements to be readily absorbed by the body. IV therapy gives faster results compared to oral supplements. 

This fast response is because IV therapy bypasses the first-pass effect – the phenomenon in which a drug first gets metabolized at the liver or the gut, which then results in a reduced concentration of the active drug in the system. 

Bioavailability is the percentage of a drug or other substance that penetrates the circulation when introduced into the body. Knowing a substance’s bioavailability will determine the active effect of the substance. 

If you introduce a substance orally, the vitamin or supplement undergoes biotransformation in the liver. This biotransformation in the liver results in a decrease in the therapeutic action from the vitamin or supplement.


Significant therapeutic benefits of NAD.

Addiction recovery

NAD plays a vital role in addiction recovery. Addiction is a treatable condition. However, an estimated 40-60% of people who have undergone therapy for substance use addiction go into relapse. After experiencing temporary improvement against addiction, studies have shown withdrawal symptoms are often the reason why addicts slip into relapse. NAD is not a cure against addiction. Rather, it acts as an adjunct therapy that reduces withdrawal symptoms. 

Pain management.

In pain management, NAD aids sirtuins in alleviating pain and reducing inflammation. Sirtuins are a group of proteins that play a vital role in the body’s inflammatory process. Sirtuins need the coenzyme form of NAD to function correctly.

Improvement of cognitive function.

Sirtuins do not just play a role in pain and inflammation. They are also responsible for maintaining optimal cognitive function.

Aging results in lesser availability of NAD in the body, and this affects the functionality of sirtuins.

Supplementation of NAD+ and its intermediates are key to restoring NAD+ levels in the body and counteract diseases associated with aging, including neurodegenerative diseases. 

NAD specifically contributes to the cognitive function of the human body through: Boosting one’s memory, focus, and concentration. Reducing brain fog and enhancing mental clarity. Improving mood.  Facilitating the regeneration of neural connections inside the brain. Reducing symptoms associated with depression. Boost energy.

NAD plays a vital role in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is also known as the fuel needed by cellular structures, such as mitochondria, to perform cellular metabolism.

NAD supplementation results in higher production of ATP. This production explains why NAD IV infusions boost energy levels and reduce the sensation of exhaustion. Chronic fatigue syndrome uses NAD infusions to manage the disease.

Improve athletic performance.

Due to its capacity to boost energy at the cellular level, you can readily conclude NAD infusions significantly improve athletic performance.

NAD plays a crucial role in muscle health. It does so through the protein molecules called sirtuins. It is imperative in skeletal muscle development, which is vital for a successful athletic performance.

Therefore, NAD supplementation does not only improve the functionality of skeletal muscle but also helps in gaining muscle mass.

Weight management.

NAD helps in cellular metabolism, and studies have shown supplementation with NAD or its metabolites result in partial inhibition of weight gain in mice fed with a high-fat diet (Xie et al., 2020). 

This inhibition is because NAD helps regulate the formation of cells used in fat storage, otherwise known as adipocytes. Lesser NAD+ levels in the body result in weight gain.

Research suggests that NAD supplementation, along with proper diet and regular exercise, can help maintain an ideal or healthy weight. This maintenance is beneficial for people whose metabolic processes have slowed down due to aging.

Aid in the management of rosacea and dermatitis. 

The antioxidative properties of NAD are present even in topical form. It effectively protects the cell and its cell membrane from destruction by free radicals.

Research shows topical application of NAD reduces redness and the visibility of papules in its subjects.

Delay onset of chronic lifestyle diseases

NAD levels and the functionality of sirtuins collectively decrease with aging. Chronic lifestyle diseases become the outcome of the process, and obesity and a sedentary lifestyle aggravate it.

Decreased NAD levels and loss of sirtuin activity contribute to the onset of a wide variety of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.  This variety includes:

Atherosclerosis, acute cardiac syndromes, cardiomyopathy, heart failure, irregular heart rates, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, obesity, fatty liver, diabetes mellitus, irregularities in lipid and cholesterol levels, HelpS counteract the effect of nutrient deficiency.

Vitamin B3, or niacin, is a precursor to the NAD coenzyme. The average recommended dietary allowance for niacin is equivalent to 16 milligrams per day for men and 14 milligrams per day for women.

Eating red meat, fish, poultry, fortified bread and cereals, and enriched pasta and peanuts helps you obtain niacin. However, because of the effect of the first-pass metabolism, diet alone may not be enough for the daily requirement of niacin. 

Furthermore, people who are not fond of eating Vitamin B3-rich foods may end up being NAD-deficient. This includes people who have excluded meat from their diet. 

Therefore, an effective way to counteract this nutrient deficiency is through a regular NAD IV infusion.

Improve overall well being.

Do you know NAD doesn't just have antioxidant effects, but it also has a positive impact on the body’s circadian rhythm?

Circadian rhythm refers to natural processes that follow a 24-hour cycle, including physical, mental, and behavioral changes. These processes link to the light and dark phases in a day.  

Natural components in the body maintain these circadian rhythms. Chronic disturbances of these circadian rhythms result in weight gain, impulsivity, and slower thinking.  These disturbances are similar to those happening in people who experience shift work or jet lag.
A sufficient level of NAD+ in the body results in proper regulation of the body’s circadian rhythm. A new study was released suggesting a role for NAD+ in resisting age-related circadian rhythm disruptions through sirtuins. 




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